For some reason, the greater portion of this semester has been spent in BYU’s library. This is actually the first time in my life I’ve been a consistent library goer in all my years at BYU. As miserable as spending the evening in dark and mostly exitless building sounds (and is), there always seem to be a few golden library moments that keep the joy level of these bleak visits fairly tolerable. Here are a few gems from my most recent visit to the dear ole HBLL.
Item the first-This first thing I was lucky enough to witness was the following: A BYU co-ed making a phone call to someone she was clearly in pursuit of. Conversation as follows.
Girl: Do you to see me again tonight?
After I heard 'again', I glanced the time 11:37- a bold question indeed. I listened in horror and braced myself for the letdown.
Girl: (Feigning mock disappointment in order to mask her real disappointment.)
Oh… so that’s how it is.
I gave an audible, “tut, tut, tut,” then made a solemn wish that I was a bartender in a bad chick flick so I could pursue the victim of the denial and say, ‘He’s just not that into you.’ Alas, no such wish occurred and I remained my non-mac-guy self. Saddened by this fact, I pulled out my phone in order to call last night's almost date. I just wanted to leave another thank-you voicemail and ask if he had lost my number or something….
Item the second-I witnessed a fellow, clearly in college telling someone he was in the ‘libARy.’ I know I’m one to talk about mispronunciation, however… I was under the impression that 'libary' left your vocabulary around the same decade as ‘sherbert’ and ‘Valentime’s day’. Apparently some of us slipped through the cracks.
Item number 3-As I was taking the elevator upstairs,
(side note 3a: I have absolutely no problem with taking the elevator to travel one floor in the library. You can look at me shamefully as I get off, but please know that I will feel no shame. After climbing the 18 flights of stairs it takes to get to the library, I feel I have done more than my weekly workout requires. For this reason, I am willing to commit to the 9 extra minutes it takes to use the elevator. Besides, I find that the elevator provides me with the perfect opportunity to eat the snacks I just smuggled past the security desk. So go ahead, look at me with curiosity when I step off the elevator. Just know, I will not dignify your quizzical look with a response—mostly because my cheeks are full of the cupcakes I purchased earlier that day.)
Back to the elevator story. So as I was riding the elevator, one floor mind you, I was blessed to enjoy the company of a young couple. The bf was telling the gf that earlier that day, his doctor had prohibited him from participating in 'errands'. She replied with concern about the fact that he had just gone grocery shopping with her. At this point, I quit eavesdropping as my mind had filled up with questions. How does one get a medical excusal from running errands? What sort of doctor provides said excusal? And finally, how will this bf survive without the running of the errands? WHAT WILL HE DO WHEN HE RUNS OUT OF FOOD?
Item the fourth-As I went to check out my books, I witnessed the most adorable thing ever. The boy took my book, scanned my card, and proceeded to slide my book across the metal box thing. The entire time he hummed to himself. He did not hum the last single from Miss Spears. Rather, he hummed something that sounded like the soundtrack to A River Runs Through It. Mostly it was adorable and made me 100% happy.
Bonus item number 5-A fun fact. I have an extreme paranoia that my earphones will be too loud and/or not plugged in properly while I am studying and will cause a loud music scene. For this reason, I obsessively take my earphones out and do a test run at least twice an hour.
Aren't bonus items lyke superfun???So in closing, the library never fails to disappoint. I hope you all have a wonderful time studying for finals over the next few weeks. I will not be joining you during that joyous occasion. Suckas.